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Las Vegas Nevada Form 12153: What You Should Know

Taxpayers who do not wish to present evidence at a hearing will be granted a hearing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) where they may present any available evidence to the Internal Revenue Service. The Form of the CDP Hearing This is not the only form for requesting a CDP Hearing, however, this is one form that is the most widely used and the one used by most people. The hearing is typically conducted before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) and not a Tax Court Judge as we discussed in more detail over the weekend. 聽These are the three basic procedures you must follow in order to request a CDP Hearing : If this is the first review of your case by an ALJ for your CDP hearing, you should聽 File an Acknowledgment of Hearing Before A Taxpayer Advocate in Tax. Please be advised that an Acknowledgment of Hearing Before A Taxpayer Advocate in Tax fails (the IRS will reject this, and you must try again) if you: 路 Did not pay the deficiency in time. 聽 路 Are delinquent on the tax owed. 路 Are under audit. 路 Have been audited multiple times, as a result of a review. 路 Are a non-resident alien (this is required). 路 The IRS has been notified in writing with reasons for denial.聽 Please note, unless you meet these criteria (or your case is being appealed to a Tax Court Judge), you cannot be given a hearing on the CDP. Instead, you will be given the Acknowledgment of Hearing Before a Taxpayer Advocate to which the case will be sent to you only after we review the case. You will be given 3 days after the date your Acknowledgment of Hearing Before A Taxpayer Advocate was issued to request a meeting with an auditor or a judge to present evidence to resolve the issue, so if the matter has already been reviewed by an ALJ, and he denies your request to set a hearing, that is an extremely rare occurrence, and we will be unable to accommodate you before an ALJ. You should consult with your tax professional on how to proceed if your case has already been reviewed, if you have been audited or if you are a non-resident alien.

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